Augustine Institute
¡Por que un Pastor Protestante se hizo Catolico!
¡Por qué un Pastor Protestante se hizo Católico!
Dr. Scott Hahn
El Dr. Scott Hahn nos cuenta su famosa historia como militante anti-católico, pero en búsqueda personal y honesta de la verdad. Esta búsqueda le trajo a la Iglesia Católica, donde pronto se convertiría en uno de los defensores más elocuentes de la fe católica y uno de sus más apasionados promotores.  
English Translation: Why a Protestant Pastor Became Catholic
This amazing testimony of a former Presbyterian minister turned Catholic has become legendary. Dr. Scott Hahn was militantly anti-Catholic but self-driven to seek the truth, and this ultimately led him into the Catholic Church. He soon became an ardent defender of the Faith and one of its most passionate promoters. This talk is also available in English.